Tree Removal After a Heavy Storm Made Easy

Oklahoman people know that storms are their regular guests (uninvited, of course!). Storms can be a huge hazard for all the people living in OKC. You never know what will it destroy; the surrounding trees or your entire property. Taking as many precautions as necessary to keep your property from being hampered is vital and you do that for sure. But saving or protecting the big trees around your property can be challenging. Taking care of the tree beforehand is always recommended to make those stand against a storm. However, it’s impossible most of the time, and even a healthy-looking tree can fail against bad weather.

But, it has been found that people tend to get injured while cleaning fallen trees. To prevent such an unfortunate incident from happening, you have to consider calling the tree removal service in Oklahoma City to get the place cleared.

What Damages Can the Tree Face?

Not all storm damages your trees to the same extent. But, with high intensity of winds, some storms can pull a tree from its root. Some common tree damages are:

  • Leaves falling off

  • Hanging tree branches

  • Uprooted trees

  • Broken limbs of the trees

  • Barks peeling off

  • Leaning forward

You must remember that your tree might not survive such damage. Call a tree removal service to haul it.

Why Do You Need to Hire a Tree Removal Service?

There are many reasons why a tree removal service can be your best option. After a severe storm, the surrounding can get very dangerous for you and your family. Especially if any of your trees are leaning, it can fall on someone. Any tree that is injured can also cause damage to the remaining trees that are present on your property.

The tree removal service professionals can remove all the debris like tree branches and do it more quickly than you. Another major reason is, these service providers have the right equipment and machinery to hold heavy tree branches and they can haul those to the right places by following OKC’s rules regarding junking waste.

What Service Can You Expect from Them?

The tree removal service provides many different options when it comes to tree damage clean-up. Let’s categorize the services according to the severity of the damage.

Severe Damage- There are times when the tree gets majorly damaged like it gets split from the middle or gets uprooted. In this case, the professionals must remove the whole tree from the root to prevent other plants from being destroyed.

Moderate Damage- Sometimes, the damage only includes tree branches hanging or falling in the backyard. In this case, the professionals need to do a clean-up around the property and take the debris to haul.

What Do They Do During the Service?

The tree removal service professional takes the tree branches and feeds them through the chipper. If they collect a large tree trunk, they haul it on a log truck. Heavy fallen trees are removed using a crane, and a grapple eliminates weighty branches. They inspect and tell you what needs to be removed and which trees can be saved.

We Are Just a Call Away

If most of your trees are damaged and need removal, call We Haul Anything. We began our journey in 2005 and have provided efficient service since that day. You can fill out our contact form to get hold of us.